Category: APM

  • Practical OpenTelemetry Review

    OpenTelemetry is something I’ve been watching for a while now and reviewing Practical OpenTelemetry was the perfect excuse to dive deeper. In my lab I’ve been running a project called SigNoz for which I’m writing up a companion article to this one to show some practical examples. When I first looked into OpenTelemetry about 4…

  • The CrUX Of Web Performance

    The world of web performance is tougher than most internal applications because you are dealing with third parties that you don’t. The Internet, browsers (with a thousand tabs open), endpoints (with agents running), and poor connectivity in the form of cellular/wireless/consumer grade connections. This means that we need to be able to understand and manage…

  • Performance Diagnostics Part 5- Optimising Worker Threads

    Background A few (ok many) years ago I was working with a customer who was launching a new application and was expecting a high load on their launch, which for whatever reason was at 3pm on a Friday (1). As 3pm hit, and the load balancers started directing traffic to the now production system, there…